Friday, August 29, 2014

Remodel - Week 10.4

It as a bunch more trim work today with a majority of it now complete. The judge's panels look much better with their second coat of white.

The bathroom finally got the last of its drywall and a coat of paint. I won't be showing that off until there is a cabinet in there. With countertop installation scheduled for Tuesday, that bound to be done then as well.

Have good holiday weekend.

On to week 11.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Remodel - Week 10.3

Today the built in bookcase and fireplace mantle got painted. This is the color, Folksy Gold, that will be used for all the trim and doors.

The judges panels and ceiling beams also received their first coat of white. It's obvious they'll need a second coat. This following is the first picture that shows most of the paint color scheme. The trim around the windows will eventually be the same as the bookcase.

Finally, it looks like they finished the drywall in the bathroom. My new patio doors also now sit in my garage awaiting install. I'm hoping that's tomorrow along with the rest of the trim paint.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Remodel - Week 10.2

More progress today. The doors, trim, judge's panels and ceiling beams all got primed. I assume tomorrow they'll be painting the final coats. There was also more drywall touchup including work in the bathroom.

In case you are wondering, the built in bookcases will be painted as well. The windows and the grids cannot be painted so they will remain dark brown. However, the floor color was chosen to match them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Remodel - Week 10

After three days of basically no activity, things picked up again today. Not much exciting to see. There is another pass of drywall work plus some caulking in prep for trim and wall paint.

Today I took a trim to the granite shop again to layout the templates for the countertop. The main sheet will serve for most of the main countertop (excuse the pole in the shot).

The secondary sheet covers the rest of the kitchen counter, the microwave area and the bathroom.

Word is this should be installed either Friday or Tuesday. You can bet there will be pictures as soon as it is done.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Remodel - Week 9.3

Another day, a little more progress. Most of it isn't easy to notice. The backside of the cabinets has been added along with bottom and edge trim.

The supporting walls for the raised bar/eating corner are now up.

Finally, looks like they did a little work in the bathroom. The last of the hideous wallpaper is gone. The cabinet sits in the garage waiting for them to do drywall in this room.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Remodel - Week 9.2

This is more like it. More significant progress for the second day in a row. The cabinets are near complete. I'm going to have a lot more storage to go with my bigger counter space.

The last picture is of a secondary cabinet area which will hold my microwave and another small countertop for dropping keys, etc.

Tomorrow will be a day filled with some finishing touches on the cabinets including trim.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Remodel - Week 9

It's been one twist after another. Just when I thought the cabinets were ready to go in, the project manager quits. I found this out when I texted him Friday morning. Within about 2 minutes I was speaking with the owner of the company determined to make sure my project would move forward NOW.

Nothing got done on Friday as we had discussions and the new project manager was assigned. Fortunately, this new manager hit the ground running and made it a focus to get my project completely.

Finally after about a month of thinking cabinets were right around the corner, the first ones were installed today. The rest will go in over the next couple of days.

Finally a glimpse of how the floors look with the cabinets. The floors are a bit dirty so the impact isn't quite as dramatic in the picture.

There is still a lot of work to do. Cabinets go in, template for the countertop is made, hardware gets installed, trim work and more. Look for more pictures in coming days. It cannot get done soon enough for me.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Remodel - Week 8.5

ARGH! No cabinet install again. Just some more cleanup and rearrangement preparing for cabinets. It had better be tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Remodel - Week 8

While it the last week of work hasn't gone as quick as I would like, things are definitely looking up. Almost all the drywall work has been completed and the first coat of paint, the primary wall color at least, has been applied.

The most exciting development is that tomorrow the cabinets are going in, or at least they are starting the process.

Here's what it looks like now

If they go in tomorrow I'll have pictures up tomorrow night.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Remodel - Week 7

The project was originally scheduled to be done this week. Fat chance of that. However, after weeks or permitting issues and yet another plumbing leak, work FINALLY started again today.

It's all drywall work for the next couple days so no exciting pictures. They got the new pantry drywalled, covered all the holes created by the removed wall, relocated plumbing and electrical, as well as, most the mud applied. Finally, the bathroom got its demo day.