Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Remodel - Week 12

That's right, I'm approaching the 3 month of what was supposed to be a 6-8 week job. I'm so sick and tired of it. However, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel and I have the pictures to prove it.

The last few days have been a lot of plumbing and electrical. Not all of it is exciting to see but it is definitely a sign the project is coming to a close.

First up is the new sink and faucet. Still some work to do on that window trim and those outlets will be gray/brushed nickel before it is all done.

The corner gets a raised countertop with enough seating for two. The butcherblock will stained and polyeurathaned soon.

Their biggest miscalculation (short of who they hired to do the original plumbing) came in where to locate the hoot for the cooktop vent. It's be correct now. Obviously drywall to come.
The bathroom is almost done now. A new toilet, light, sink faucet. Just need a mirror and a few accessories to get it done.

The dishwasher (one of two appliances I won't be changing right now) made its way back into the kitchen. I shouldn't have to wash my

More appliances sitting in the garage awaiting install tomorrow. For the money I spent, they should be shipped in golden boxes.

I've been told I should actually be able to use the kitchen tomorrow but since the floors aren't done, I really can't move much back in there so it'll likely be a few more days. I'll keep you posted.