Saturday, September 29, 2007

Iceland Preview

The single event that forced me to finally start my blog was my trip to Iceland. Upon my return I originally intended to post a trip report to the Lonely Planet Travel Forum as a way of giving back to the forum that had provided a great deal of help planning the trip to Iceland.

However, when I started writing the trip report, it became huge rather fast. I also really wanted to include some pictures and share it with even more people. Thus, the blog was born.

So, over the next few days, I'll be posting my full Iceland trip report. Read all of it, read part of it, read none of it or just look at the pictures. It's your choice! Feel free to leave a comment, hate mail or your latest stock tip. Once again it's your choice! Either way, I feel like I've fulfilled my end of the bargain.

Remember, with this blog, you get what you paid for.


Anonymous said...

Mark... this is so fabulous... your trip looks amazing. Glad your home safely... i love the falls and lagoons... wish w had more water aroung here!!!!! lol Miss ya.... sis.

Anonymous said...

Beyond any doubt blog with useful informations.