Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thrashers Game Report - 03/19/08 - Live - Period 1

a seven year old signs the anthem and they cant even give her a Thrashers jersey?

4 minutes in goal for Canes. Vabolik on ice but he plays in perfect. Breakdown is Kwiatowski and Kozlovs fault.

Vabiolik makes first error and it costs the Thrashers a goal. Bad clearing attempt. Hedberg also failed on both goals. 2-0

Kovys 50th goal is announced but there is barely recognition. Proof the fans are worn out.

More Maiden CDs to giveaway. Shouldn't we send these to the third world instead?

Another defensive turnover and another Canes goal. Larsen takes a good chunk of the blame but Hedberg allows a sortie. Pull him now. Poor Boris caught on ice again. -3 welcome to Blueland Boris. 3-0

Thank goodness the period is over. The Canes can't score for 18 minutes.

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