Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Remodel - Week 5 &6

There might be someone wondering why I haven't posted any updates for a couple of weeks. The answer is simple, NOTHING has happened.

For the last two weeks the project has been on hold because they cannot get the permit. Despite requesting a permit way back on June 20th, the permit office hasn't done much. Every once in awhile they'd ask for something else and the contractor would supply it only to be put on hold again.

But look what finally came through yesterday

It might not seem very exciting but I'm thrilled. They called in inspections today, took care of a few minor items and should get final approval to proceed tomorrow.

Work should be proceeding full force starting Friday. You can bet there will be more, exciting (at least in the context of kitchen remodels) pictures soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Remodel - Week 4

Now that the floors are complete, it's time to make a mess. However, the floors need to be protected first.

Since the kitchen had a smooth ceiling and the living room a rough one, the living room ceiling needed to be skimmed smooth.

I was taken a bit by surprise when the cabinets were delivered today. Half the garage and half the kitchen is crammed with boxes, 56 in all.

I don't expect the cabinets to be installed for about a week because there is inspections and drywall first and those are bound to occupy a few days early next. More photos as progress continues.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Remodel - Floor Finish

While I vacationed in Florida, the floors got refinished with a dark walnut stain and a couple layers of polyurethane. It's pretty much impossible to tell the new and old wood apart.

The floors might clash with just about everything right now but everything else in the kitchen and living room will be changing color before this is all over. Right before the completion of the project another layer of polyurethane will be applied. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kitchen Remodel - Temporary Kitchen

During week 2-3 not a lot was happening that could be shown with photographs. The rough electrical work has been completed and it's now in a holding stage awaiting inspections.

It's been an adjustment having no kitchen or a living room. At first I felt a bit out of sync between the hours of 6:00 - 8:30 as this was the time I typically spent in those rooms.

The other adjustment was eating. I'm not too big on eating out so I'm trying to keep that to a minimum. I have a temporary kitchen setup in a room already cramped with a bunch of stuff formerly in the kitchen or living room. I've got just a bit enough path for me to get to the fridge and table.

Look closely and you'll see a microwave and toaster oven on the left and my refrigerator on the right. The table is filled with some dry goods, paper plates, plastic silverware and cups. A small corner is left over for actual meal prep.

Most of my meals end up cooked on the grill. Although it hasn't been a big problem, there are some challenges associated, mainly with cleanup. I'm currently washing dishes with the garden hose which requires me to finish dinner before its too dark!

Up next is the flooring finish and some drywall work. I should have some interesting pics with the next post.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

House Remodel - Week 1

A long await kitchen remodel has finally begun. This is a complete redo of the kitchen, removal of a wall between kitchen and living room, hardwoods extending into living room and a bathroom remodel.

Here's a rough idea of what the final kitchen will look like.

Living room before the start of the project.

Kitchen before the start of project

 Bathroom before start of project
 First day of project, the entire kitchen gets demolished. All that remains is the wall dividing the kitchen and living room

 The old pantry is gone
 If you look closely at this picture you can see water and drain pipes towards the right side of the wall to be removed. This would be the first unforeseen issue.
 Day two sees the wall removed, a header for support in its place and framing for the new pantry.
 Things are a bit of a mess but now it is one big open space
 They begin work on the flooring, weaving in the new with the old so when the floors are refinished the difference between the two will be well hidden.

 The water pipes and drain line has been moved. This would be the biggest problem for the next five days.

1. The plumber had a joint burst when he turned the water back on resulting in water in the basement.

2. The work he completed leaked it at least 3 places

3. His attempts to fix it failed. Not a single leak was repaired

4. A new plumber was brought in who decided to redo it completely.

5. Within an hour after new plumber left site inspection, the drain line clogged on other side of the house leaving me with 0 bathrooms. He came back to find a shop rag in the drain. He did solve this problem.

6. The second week started with the new plumber doing a MUCH better job of relocated the pipes. So things were back on track.

 Stacks of hardwood ready to install
 The unfinished flooring completely installed.

The second week saw a lot of progress but little exciting to see. Most of the electrical is now done and some of the HVAC relocation. More to come as progress continues.